Set Revalidation Parameters

Set Revalidation Parameters When Fetching Data in Next.js

When fetching data using the Next Drupal Client, you will also need to set the necessary revalidation parameters. This tells Next.js that the content should be cached, and what metadata can be used to invalidate that cache.

If you're using the Basic Starter, most of this configuration is already created for you. You will only need to replace revalidate with tags in the options object when using Next Drupal Client methods like getResource if you'd prefer to use tag-based revalidation.

Consider the getNode function in the [...slug] dynamic route in the basic starter:


async function getNode(slug: string[]) {
const path = `/${slug.join("/")}`
const params: JsonApiParams = {}
// Translating the path also allows us to discover the entity type.
const translatedPath = await drupal.translatePath(path)
if (!translatedPath) {
throw new Error("Resource not found", { cause: "NotFound" })
const type = translatedPath.jsonapi?.resourceName!
const uuid = translatedPath.entity.uuid
const tag = `${translatedPath.entity.type}:${}`
if (type === "node--article") {
params.include = "field_image,uid"
const resource = await drupal.getResource<DrupalNode>(type, uuid, {
cache: "force-cache",
next: {
revalidate: 3600,
// Replace `revalidate` with `tags` if using tag based revalidation.
// tags: [tag],
return resource

Path-based Revalidation

The call to getResource in the above example is already configured to use path-based invalidation. The data will be cached for 3600 seconds unless revalidated on-demand.

const resource = await drupal.getResource<DrupalNode>(type, uuid, {
cache: "force-cache",
next: {
revalidate: 3600,

Tag-based Revalidation

To instead use tag-based invalidation, we can replace the revalidate option with the tags option:

const resource = await drupal.getResource<DrupalNode>(type, uuid, {
cache: "force-cache",
next: {
tags: [tag],

In this example, the tag is set earlier in the function using data from the translated path:

const type = translatedPath.jsonapi?.resourceName!
const uuid = translatedPath.entity.uuid
const tag = `${translatedPath.entity.type}:${}`

This option accepts an array of tags, and values should match the cache tag values set by Drupal. With this configuration, the data will be cached until Drupal makes a call to the revalidate route using any of the matching cache tags.